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Reasons Why Startups Fail

10 Reasons Why Startups Fail? How to Make Your Startup Successful? [Complete Details]

With the growing popularity of entrepreneurship and various innovation projects, startups are a very lovable choice among the major IITians and many engineers across the globe. In the older era, it was a breathtaking job to establish a successful business and required a lot of capital investment but nowadays, the ground of major business is discussed and started at public places like garage, cafe, or even college canteens.

Like it or not but the result is that every day ample number of startups is started somewhere across the globe. But certainly, not everyone reaches the peak of their mountain. While some qualify to be designated as unicorns, many have to be shut down. While there can be many reasons ascribed to incompetence or lack of experience, one of the most popular ones is marketing failure.

Yes! Many startups could not break a leg because they fail at digital marketing. Furthermore, statistically, almost 90 percent of startups fail in India and it has also been known to slow down the GDP rate.

Here are some reasons why startups failure occurs owing to weak digital marketing strategy :

1. Expectations: The mere utopia of most of the startup owner’s dreams where they tend to achieve everything overnight is the very first reason which leads to its failure. In real life, there are many hurdles. While various digital marketing sites show that it is very easy to achieve a high profile and reputation on the internet it is not so. No doubt digital marketing is a highly effective and magical tool to generate leads and boost sales. Still, you need to wait for a considerable amount of time for the inputs to start radiating results. Hence, for achieving sustainable growth the right amount of time needs to be given and your strategies should revolve around considering the time-bound fact in mind.

2. Not building a balance between expenditure and outcomes: It is no secret that for successful digital marketing data-driven strategies are important. One needs to analyze first and then move further. The idea is to measure conversion rate as well regularly, rather than only checking traffic at websites as it is usually observed that low conversion rates lead to more investment in marketing while profit goes in negative. Furthermore, not tracking your current performance hinders you from improving the areas you need to work on.

3. Lack of interaction between a digital marketing agency and startup: While outsourcing is highly popular and certainly effective because digital marketing firms owe the expertise, many times startup fail at keeping a check. Proper communication should be established even if you rely entirely on the opted firm regular check and questioning should be done. A large no of failed campaigns is due to the absence of client and agency.

4. Low investment: Many startups tend to build a low budget for marketing. They think that this saves them money since startups need to save money but this is not true marketing needs to be done for the generation of leads that will automatically increase your future money. In contrast, if you invest low at first you can end up draining even that money because a failed digital marketing campaign leads to locking at various startup programs.

5. Not incorporating useful Technology and Tools: – In this era where there is a constant inclination towards highly advanced technology not getting updated with the latest tools also makes you be behind in the race. Using perfect tools for marketing is an important aspect of which most of the times people fail. These are required to achieve short term goals as they provide an edge by less time consumption and high skilled force at work. Furthermore, a startup is not able to invest that much as the technology is more expensive.

6. Incorrect targeting: Often it is observed that startup are not able to perfectly identify the customer psychology they lack in recognizing the target audience and hence their campaign is mere waste. Firstly, the customer interests need to be identified and their nature needs to be understood and accordingly, the strategy should be made and executed. Furthermore, it is observed that going on a way towards a marketing campaign we loose focus on customer interest which are customer orientation and many more. Customers should be the solemn focus.

7. Social media not used properly: Startups usually fail by copying. They tend to follow what others do and as a result, end up having a tacky campaign. Furthermore, it is not even a need to do marketing at social media if your target audience is not present there. It will only waste your money and efforts. To follow the herd is always a setback.

8. Social media taken as a sole platform: It is mostly observed that startups tend to execute their entire marketing strategies on social media. Certainly, social media is the most powerful platform for marketing though it cannot be the only platform to use. Hence, this leads to poor interaction and engagement of brand which ultimately leads to loss. Furthermore, if only social media targeting is to be done then identifying the right social media site plays an important role as LinkedIn is usually used by professionals so if your consumers consist of professionals you should boost.

9. Not giving importance to content: You need to produce impeccable and interesting content for your users and readers. While it increases the chances of conversion rates, it is also proving helpful in generating high organic traffic as SEO ranking takes the content into consideration. Quality content tends to be ignored and can affect your marketing campaign as it is a very important string of digital marketing.

10. Inefficient Hiring: Many startups recruit marketing heads in contrast to outsourcing .apart from expertise issues, hiring without a vision creates a problem as you are not aware of the nature, budget, and outcomes of your strategies because the hiring is not done correctly.

Your startup is your dream don’t let it become a nightmare and for that do visit Techtra Digital to make your digital marketing campaign a success and hence enable your startup to become a unicorn Fulfill your dreams with us.

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