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Social Media Marketing Tips

How To Build Your Brand From Zero To Hero Using Social Media Marketing Tips

Becoming a social media hero or going from zero to hero is no easy feat and cannot happen overnight.

Social media platforms play a vital role in building a strong reputation for your business in the market. A business that stays regularly updated and connected with the four most acclaimed social media platforms stands high in its business marketing strategy.

To succeed in your quest for social media excellence, you need to create a straightforward and actionable strategy that fits with your target audience and benefits in achieving your goals.

The Social Media Marketing Tips To Build Your Brand From Zero To Hero

Here are the social media marketing tips to build your brand from zero to hero

1. Identify Business Goals

To move your business ahead, you need to identify your business goals.

By setting up your social media objectives and identifying your business goals

Here are some of the business goals you can make, which will help in forming a successful social media strategy.

  • Increase in exposure
  • Increase in traffic
  • Increase engagement
  • Collect marketplace insights
  • Develop brand ambassadors
  • Generate leads
  • Grow business partnerships
  • Improve sales

When setting up your social media objectives and identifying your business goals, one should not just focus on Retweets and Likes but rather lay more emphasis on leads generation, web referrals, and conversion rates for your business.

2. Identify your target audience

Create posts that are specifically tailored to the needs of your audience.

Identifying your audience and thereby creating a post similar to their needs, adds a big value for your brand.

Moreover knowing the age, work, income level, interest, problems, habits, likes, dislikes, motivations, etc. of your customer makes it easier and cheaper to target them on social or any other media.

The more specific you are, the more perfectly you can create your content and the more conversions you will get out of all the platforms that you will become active in.

3. Know your competition

Before developing your social media marketing strategy, you must study your competitors and know about their techniques, and then accordingly develop the marketing strategy that makes you stand high among your competition. Knowing your competition can help you learn from them and avoid their missteps.

Not only will this give you insights into visual trends for your industry, but can also make you aware of what your competitors are doing on social media.

You can start by compiling a list of at least three to five of your primary competitors. Try to identify which social networks they are active on and analyze their content strategy.

Thereafter you must look into their number of fans or followers, posting frequency and which time of which days, are they posting lots of visuals, and what type of visuals, are they participating in popular hashtags, etc. One of the important thing you need to look into is engagement i.e. notice how are their fans responding to their postings and how are they reacting to the engagement of their fans.

4. Choose your social networks

Each social media platform is unique with its own best practices, style, and audience.

All that you are required to do is to choose the social network that best fit your strategy and the goals you want to achieve on social media.

One thing that must be kept in mind is that you don’t have to be on all the social media platforms, just be on the ones that matter to you and your audience.

Among the various social media platforms or the four most prominent social media platforms namely–Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, you must choose the one which goes with your needs and enables a successful business marketing strategy.

Here are the factors that you must consider while choosing the social media platform that best suits your needs


Calculate the time you would be able to spend on each social network. You must take the proper time to investigate a social network, build an audience, and engage with your audience; you must calculate if you would be able to spend enough time on the social media platform.


Enumerate your skills and the people working in your organization. Visual social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest require images and photos, YouTube needs video, etc. You need to check if you have the correct people and skills in your company to create the content you need to share on these networks.


You need to gather information about where your potential and current customers hang out. And then accordingly notice which social network attracts the right audience for your business.

5. Focus on your content

When determining a successful social media strategy, one must focus on creating great content and engaging posts for their page. Your content showcases your work and hence should be complete and professional. Here are some key elements for creating great content.

Update your about section

The About section of any of the social media pages provides the basic details to the people who are looking for a business like yours. Your about section helps in building the credibility of your brand.

Profile photo

Your profile photo creates the first impression of your business. One should not only focus on good content and great advertisement but also on adding a creative profile photo that will greatly stimulate the visitor to open your page. All that’s required is to select a compelling and creative image as your profile, which further impels the visitor to dive into your page.

Create engaging content

Keep your posts/tweets/snaps/videos/audios interesting by adding engaging content and compelling images. Add industry-related news and the latest product releases to grab interest. If people find your posts interesting enough, they might tag you and share with their friends which will increase your social reach.

Social media platforms assist your business in:

  • Marketing the products
  • Surging up the conversion rates
  • Improving brand visibility, and   
  • Proliferates the customer engagement rate

Hence to build your brand from zero to hero, you must use the social media marketing tips mentioned.

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