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The Dos and Don’ts of website design for better SEO 

It might be difficult to create a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and SEO-friendly. But if you use the appropriate strategy, you can build a website that not only looks attractive but also performs well in search results. The dos and don’ts of website design for higher SEO will be covered in this article.

What is Web Design?

The overall look and feel of a website are called web design. It is the process of organizing, constructing, and producing all the components of your website, including the structure, layout, graphics, colors, and fonts.

Web design is the culmination of several different skills and disciplines, including graphic design, UX design, UI design, SEO, and content development.

The Dos of Web Design

  1. Designing a website with mobile users in mind is crucial because more and more people are using their smartphones to access the internet. Making a website that looks beautiful on mobile devices before scaling it up for desktops is known as a mobile-first design.
  1. Fast page loading times: According to Google, page speed affects rankings. High bounce rates and a poor user experience can be brought on by slow loading times. Therefore, it’s crucial to optimize the loading time of your website.
  2. Simple Navigation: Both user experience and SEO depend on clear navigation. Lower bounce rates can result from an effective navigation system that makes it simple for consumers to find what they’re looking for.
  3. Make Good Use of Heading Tags: Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) aid in content organization and increase accessibility for both users and search engines. Make sure that each page on your website contains an H1 tag and that the headings are properly arranged.
  4. Optimise photographs: While high-quality photographs might give your website a more pleasing aesthetic, they can also increase loading times. Compress and reduce the size of photographs without sacrificing their quality to optimize them. Designing a website with mobile users in mind is crucial because more and more people are accessing the internet through their smartphones.

The Don’ts of Web Design

  1. Don’t Go Overboard with Colors and Fonts

Your design will work better if it is cleaner. Although vital, your site design should always be subordinate to its function. It should support, not contradict, your site’s objectives. If you use too many colors and fonts, your website will be difficult to look at and difficult to browse. Your website’s navigation and CTAs should be simple for visitors to follow without having to jump through any hurdles. 

Stick with the typeface and color palette you’ve chosen. Utilize your brand standards in your web design, social media posts, brochures, email marketing, and anywhere else your brand is visible to increase recognition.

  1. Don’t Overuse Pop-Ups

Pop-up ads for your website can be an effective marketing strategy. Pop-ups can be used to invite website visitors to sign up for your newsletter or to alert them about a promotion or discount. Pop-ups can assist in engaging your audience, but if you use them excessively, they may become obtrusive or disruptive.

Ask for very little information at first. The easier it is for visitors to sign up for your newsletter, the more likely they are to do so. Reduce the number of pop-ups on your website as well. Be cautious about where and when you utilize pop-ups to make them less obtrusive. If you have one on every landing page, you’ll have a high bounce rate.

  1. Don’t prioritize design over function

Having a great website is vital. The user experience shouldn’t be hampered by your design, though. It’s time to make changes if your website is confusing or prevents people from engaging with it.

  1.  Don’t follow every trend

While staying on top of trends might be useful, avoid following every web design fad. Making your entire website or visual identity revolve around a fleeting fad might be a costly mistake if you’re trying to develop a sustainable brand. Thoughtfully incorporate current design trends while yet being true to you and your audience.

  1. Keyword Stuffing

 Overusing keywords in your text may get you penalized by search engines. Before you optimize your content for search engines, be sure it is written for people.

In conclusion, meticulous planning and attention to detail are necessary for creating websites that are both aesthetically pleasing and SEO-friendly. You can build a website that looks well, loads quickly, and performs well in search engine results by adhering to the dos and don’ts listed in this blog.