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How Does AI Benefit The Digital Marketing World? Applications Of AI In Digital Marketing?

How Does AI Benefit The Digital Marketing World?

Encounter the word AI and mind travels to the images of big Decepticons and terminators, bad 60s  sci-fi trying to demolish the world, one of Hollywood’s and to some extent Bollywood’s most preferred themes of blockbusters. Fortunately, in contrast, the real picture is far more positive and productive. AI is working in banking, finance, agriculture, healthcare, and many other sectors among which marketing is no exception. The Siri in your phone is the biggest example of artificial intelligence. It functions by analyzing the previous data and responding accordingly to the given task. AI  has been quite successful in flourishing its roots in digital marketing. From enabling the company to experience a full 24 x 7-hour service the way they want and to experience the fantasy of being able to employ an ideal employee who will not be found easily in the real world.

One of the studies found out that AI has increased the marketer’s sales by 52 percent. A bump in customer retention of 49 percent was also observed. It has proven to provide a dynamic revolution to the digital marketing world. Ignoring the technology of today’s world can make you fall back on your competitors. In the highly competitive world,  It is essential to consider the use of AI.

How Does AI Benefit The Digital Marketing World?

  1. It knows the nerves of customers – By going through the previous search and other data it can easily predict your customer’s expectations and needs are hence targeting them with the best you have to suit their interests which is nearly an out of league job if tried to achieve with human force.
  2. Elevating productivity – AI helps in completing the work within a short time and with lower investment. AI can perform the task of millions of humans simultaneously which saves cost and increases the company’s revenue generation.
  3. Positive impact on ROI – Due to better performing content generation and effective decision-making ability it helps in ROI increase.
  4. It allows companies to attain epic breakthroughs – AI can easily detect the blind spots . AI helps the firm to correct them before they lead to any damage.
  5. Cost-effective – AI can save the expenditure on endless employee salaries. It can perform the function of several employees at once making itself a more reliable source
  6. Error-free – There is no scope of error as everything is fed by you . AI performs only what you demand . No matter how much time you make it work it will never get exhausted. It can’t make mistakes as human brains can do when affected by heartbreaks or stressful conditions
  7. Time-saving – It can perform tasks given to him in less than half the time. An average human will take a lot more time to perform the similar task .

Applications Of AI In Digital Marketing :

Content generation

Artificial intelligence can be used to make content from the information you feed to them. Many journalism channels like BBC now use AI to write reports and news and so do the digital marketing companies to generate articles and elaborations

It performs content curation and product recommendations

Never thought about how Netflix comes up with the highly recommended stuff and similar stuff based on your prior search which you like no humans are appointed for this task for you but here AI is the one. As mentioned earlier it can know the interests of the audience and target customers accordingly. This is what exactly a customer wants to get to choose from things according to his choice and likings well AI can easily help you through. Hence, customers are provided a personalized experience. The use of AI for personalization in content is found to be 62%.


As the name suggests you find many contact us or ask us options on a company’s website. There you can write down your concern and get the reply immediately without being in a queue. They know the basic questions and queries of the customer and know how to respond accordingly. This helps be reach out to customers for the whole day and night and give them immediate responses without any delay. This feature is also used in data collection services

Website designing

More professional with attractive effects and within a short period through AI, websites can be easily generated. No programmer or a designer is needed. It can with the help of provided images, calls to action, text, etc easily make a website. Hence, getting the job done at affordable rates and can enable you to produce a large no of websites in very little time.

In Analysis

Customer segmentation, the reaction of the majority population towards a particular product, targeted decisions, and many other data collection is easily achieved by the use of AI in minutes without any expensive expenditure. US CMO’s using AI for customer segmentation are found to be about 40.9 percent also, in targeting decisions it is 49 percent.

In Advertisement

AI is widely used for advertisement purpose. By company revenue advertisement and media, buying has encountered 53 percent of AI use.

Online browsing

In this area search engine optimization, revolutionized Internet searches, voice search, google algorithms, and rank brains are some of the AI advances. Also, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri are the ones that have made the search system more convenient and fun.

Marketing with help of emails

About 41 percent of marketers in a survey agreed that higher revenues are generated with the introduction of AI for email marketing. Furthermore, a bump of 13 percent is encountered in click-through rates and about 7.64 percent in open rates. Looking at the above-listed benefits and applications it is quite obvious that AI has a vast application in the digital marketing. It makes you achieve greater results with its introduction. Apart from the myths and several disadvantages being regularly told it is part of our daily lives and is proving helpful. AI hugely benefits digital marketing. The firms which use them certainly have an edge over the others which do not. Techtra digital also uses AI for its multiple tasks. Do visit techtra digital, the best digital marketing company.

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