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What Is SEO ?How Does SEO Work?

What Is SEO? How Does SEO Work?

SEO abbreviated form for search engine optimization is certainly the word grabbing everyone’s eyeballs and getting their mind to boggle. You are likely to find this word written somewhere if you read an article about business marketing or even apply for jobs and internships. Anyways, Welcome to our website. What did you search for that you landed up here? You must have written something on your google or yahoo and it showed you this page out of 22 million pages . Did it just jinx and picked this one for you? No, it used a very complex algorithm. Why do you end up with this website article first is all on which the concept of SEO evolves.


What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization is as usually quoted, the process of grabbing traffic from either Organic, editorial, or natural search engine results on various search engines like google, etc. In plain English, it means making your brand or your website content the topmost shown result for any phrase entered into the search engine. If someone googled for guitar strings and your content is on guitar strings your article should be shown at the top results .Pertinent keywords enables us to achieve this, that means it involves wordplay. It is nothing but a digital marketing strategy to elevate your ranking on search engines.

Furthermore, you don’t have to pay a single penny to search engines for scrolling down your whole website, ranking your website. What are the parameters used by search engines to pin down the rankings well?.

There are at present more than 200 factors but some of the most important are –

  1. Secure and accessible
  2. Page speed
  3. Mobile-friendliness
  4. Domain speed
  5. Links
  6. Optimized content
  7. Domain
  8. URL and many more

Hence, a lot of factors need to be taken into account to make your website SEO friendly. So much trouble but why take it, is it worth it? Yes! It is worth it. Let’s have a statistical look. It is found that in 2020 only 93 percent of online experience starts at search engines. Furthermore,57 percent of B2B marketers believe that SEO generates more leads while 85 percent of people search on SE before making a considerable purchase.

Lastly, and the most important one is that 75 percent of people never scrolled down past the first page. Now, this is where it becomes important to have SEO  if you are on the second page the chances of organic traffic and conversions are automatically reduced. With the help of SEO, your brand becomes more visible, increasing traffic and conversions . This helps in elevating your brand’s credibility.

Search engines broadly have 3 prime functions:

  1. Crawling – This is the part where a team of robots known as crawlers or spiders lookout for content or code for a URL. The content is discovered through links. They also look out for more related URLs by ending up on the web page and finding links related to the topic so that more compatible results can be shown as well.
  2. Indexing – Collecting and managing all the data collected by crawlers. When the related query is searched it is going to be on the search result page ,once a page is in the index .
  3. Ranking -In this different pages are ranked in order of their relevance and quality to the related topic. The page which is found to be most promising in solving the query is kept at the top of the result page. The one at the top is often more trusted and preferred by researchers. This is achieved by taking into account the various factors mentioned above.

They can not evaluate the whole article the way a human can as the task is performed by robots. There ought to be some limitation by working on which you can improve your ranking. Furthermore, this depicts that no matter how catchy your content may be some technical approach needs to be taken. By taking this into account there are two approaches towards SEO – the white hat and the black hat.

SEO- The White Hat And The Black Hat

 In black hat, people tend to work on technical things . As their site gets the high ranking quickly, they don’t worry at all that the page needs to be read by humans. The content is very difficult to be understood and appear more like spam .They tend to get banned by search engines considering the same . While a black hat is quicker than a white one it is for the short term only and should not be opted for.

Various factors that can improve your ranking both off-page and on-page are as follows –

  • On-page factors – These are the factors that occur on your website and you can alter them whenever you want to .This should include both your business name and the topic on which the page is about. Keywords should be used wisely taken into account how people are going to search for that topic.
  • Meta descriptions: These give a little bit more knowledge. It also includes keywords and tells what your page is all about
  • Subheadings: These make the content easier to understand and hence make it more user friendly leading to improvement of rank
  • Internal links: Using hyperlinks prove out to be very beneficial . They help search engines to explore more about your page. Like when you are writing on shoe description you can link it to the shoe display page.
  • Images and ALT tags: Include your phrase in the image name . This will make search engines scan even your images that you are posting as part of your content.
  • Off-page factors– These include elements that are not in your direct control, that is they are not present on a website yet they play a crucial role in your ranking. These include trust: if your brand page has a good reputation it helps search engines to regard you as a legitimate site which helps them include you in their index. With too much black hat spamming occurring this is an important factor
  • Links: backlinks often help a lot 
  • Social networking sites status: The number of likes and comments your blogs get on various social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram also helps sometimes. 


Furthermore, apart from various on-page and off-page factors content plays a crucial role as well. The blogs, images, videos, etc. that you post are also important. To make them catchy and human-friendly is equally important.

Now, you are well versed in what is SEO and how it works. You need to know that you don’t make it too optimized, using a lot of keywords or phrases. This can lead to search engines ban your website as excess of anything is bad. SEO  needs to be carefully handled for that visit -the professionals Techtra digital. We can here solve all your SEO-related queries.

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